Jesteśmy nowoczesną kliniką rehabilitacyjną i ortopedyczną. Od 2004 r. leczymy tych, którzy w krótkim czasie chcą powrócić do sprawności po kontuzji lub mają różne dolegliwości a chcą zachować sprawność fizyczną jak najdłużej.

umów wizytę

Dr Andrzej Kępczyński - Absolwent Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie, Kierunek Rehabilitacja Ruchowa, doktor nauk o zdrowiu.

Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w pracy jako fizjoterapeuta w cenionych placówkach ortopedycznych w Warszawie oraz zagranicą. Założyciel Kliniki Ruchu i inicjator jej działalności naukowej, aktywny uczestnik oraz prelegent na wielu szkoleniach i konferencjach poświęconych ortopedii i traumatologii oraz fizjoterapii narządu ruchu. Specjalizuje się w rehabilitacji barku, ale także kolana.

Klinika Ruchu - nowoczesna klinika rehabilitacyjna i ortopedyczna


Publikacje naukowe to pisemne dokumenty, w których naukowcy prezentują wyniki swoich badań, analizują istniejącą wiedzę w danej dziedzinie i przedstawiają nowe odkrycia. Są one kluczowym środkiem komunikacji w środowisku naukowym.

Publikacje naukowe

  1.  „How to deal with ailments in the patellofemoral joint?”
    Kępczyński A., Ambroziak P. How to deal with ailments in the patellofemoral joint? Medical Tribune. (4) 2019:68-70.
  2.  „Comparative Analysis of Kinetics Parameters During Different Landing After Split Front Leaps.” Błażkiewicz M., Wit A., Kępczyński A.. Comparative Analysis of Kinetics Parameters During Different Landing After Split Front Leaps. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism. (6)2019. 26(2):3-6
  3.  Brittberg M., Slynarski K. „Lower Extremity Joint Preservation Techniques for Treating the Hip, Knee and Ankle.” Springer 2021 Kepczynski A. Rozdział: Ankle Rehabilitation: 341-345

Wystąpienia na konferencjach miedzynarodowych

  1. Kępczyński A. 5th Turkish Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress Istanbul 2000. Influence of preoperative physiotherapy after shoulder arthroscopy. Sesja plakatowa
  2. Kępczyński A. XVII International Congress on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology Sports Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Surgery. Post-surgery Protocols. Bologna2008.Programma di riabilitazione dopo osteotomia del tubercolo tibiale. Wystąpienie ustne
  3. Kępczyński A., Krzyżak Ł., Luboiński Ł. Football Medicine Strategies – Return to Play Isokinetic Conference. Londyn 2016. Physiotherapy in revision reconstruction of ACL of football players. Wystąpienie ustne.

Wystąpienia na konferencjach krajowych

  1. Kepczynski A. Physiotherapy of the shoulder joint in sports injuries. Training for sports doctors before the specialization exam – sports medicine. Central Centre of Sports Medicine in Warsaw 1996- instructor, lecturer,
  2. Kępczyński A. Polanickie Forum of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Congress of the Polish Society of Arthroscopic Surgery. Polanica Zdrój. 2006. Rehabilitation in lateral support syndrome in the patellofemoral joint. Oral presentation.
  3. Kępczyński A. Symposium of the Multis Multum Foundation 1998. Postoperative management after arthroscopic acromioplasty of the shoulder joint. Oral presentation.
  4. Kępczyński A. Training for physiotherapists and doctors. Conservative and postoperative physiotherapy of the shoulder joint. Carolina Medical Center. Warsaw 2004,
  5. From therapy to training. and an interdisciplinary conference. Warsaw 2012. Movement Clinic. Organizer. 253 participants: coaches, physiotherapists, sports doctors, dieticians and sports psychologists. 8 hours of lectures and discussion panels,
  6. Injuries in winter sports. II Interdisciplinary Conference. Warsaw 2013. Organizer. 193 participants, 9 hours of lectures. Winter sports trainers, orthopedists, hyperbaric medicine doctors,
  7. Treatment and prevention of injuries in team games. III Interdisciplinary Conference. Warsaw 2014. Organizer. 180 participants. 12 presenters and 10 hours of lectures and a discussion panel,
  8. Lehrer N. R., Kepczyński. Training for physiotherapy students, physiotherapists and doctors. Hadassah Medical University of Jerusalem. Warsaw 2015. Rehabilitation in non-surgical treatment of anterior cruciate ligament. 5 hours of theory and 5 hours of practice. 45 participants,
  9. Pszczoła K., Kępczyński A. Olsztyn University in Olsztyn – Scientific meeting for students and physiotherapists Olsztyn 2015.. Shoulder complex – a new look at the examination and treatment of the shoulder joint. Occurrence stopped.
  10. Andrzej Kępczyński. Organization and conduct of student internships for students of the Faculty of Health Protection, Physiotherapy at Almamer University in Warsaw. 2015.Agreement dated 1.04.2015.
  11. Kępczyński A. III Joint Presevation Discussion Forum in Warsaw. Warsaw 2016. RACL without physiotherapy or physiotherapy without RACL. Oral presentation.
  12. Kępczyński A. Kolano- a nightmare of evolution. VI Conference – Professor Seyfried’s Rehabilitation Thought. Faculty of Rehabilitation of AWF Warsaw. Warsaw 2017.Strategy for the management of a patient with a damaged anterior cruciate ligament. Oral presentation. Member of the Organizing Committee.
  13. Kępczyński A., Warsaw 2017. Training for physiotherapists. Warsaw Movement Clinic. Patellar femoral joint pain from A to Z. 4 hours of theory and 6 hours of practice.
  14. Kepczynski A. National Scientific Symposium. Orthopedics of the Specialist Surgery Center in Warsaw. Warsaw 2017. Non-reconstructive techniques for the treatment of knee ligaments. Oral presentation.
  15. Kepczyński A. V-th International Joint Preservation Congress in Warsaw. Warsaw 2018. Hip physiotherapy as a prevention of knee osteotomy. Oral presentation. Member of the Scientific Council.
  16. Conducting practical didactic classes for students of the Faculty of Rehabilitation of the Academy of Physical Education in the field of physiotherapy in the field of kinesitherapy in the academic years 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, including enabling scientific research (diploma theses, master’s theses). Contract No. 6/R/WSP/18 dated 4.10.2018;
  17. Kępczyński A. VI -th International Joint Preservation Congress w Warszawie. Warszawa 2019. Acceleration physiotherapy in HTO. Is it worth to accelerate postop protocol? Wystąpienie ustne.
  18. Kępczyński A. III Congress of the Polish Arthroscopic Society. member of the Scientific Council of the Physiotherapy Session of the III Congress of the Polish Arthroscopic Society. Katowice 2019. Kinematics and kinetics of the shoulder joint in the syndrome of the sub-bark tunnel. Oral presentation
  19. 2021-2023 Vice President of the Physiotherapy Section of the Polish Society of Arthroscopic Arthroscopic Society,
  20. 2020-2024 member of the Program Council of the Physiotherapy Department II of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw. Co-author of syllabi and diary of practices sports medicine and orthopedics. Pursuant to point 5 of the Decision of the Dean of the Faculty, No. 5/2019 of November 25, 2020,
  21. Kępczyński A. IV Meeting of Experts Physiotherapy-Orthopedics-Rheumatology. Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Poznan 2021. Physiotherapy of the knee joint. Is it still an art or a craft? Oral presentation.
  22. Kępczyński A. Milestones in Physiotherapy Protocol in HTO. Warsaw 2022. VI th Joint Preservation Congress in Warsaw. Member of the Scientific Committee. Oral presentation.